シンガポール国民、永住者、6 歳以下のお子様は、すべてのギャラリーに無料で入場できます
インディアン ヘリテージ センターの常設ギャラリー (レベル 4 と 3 に位置) を探索します。5 つのテーマ スペースが時系列順に配置されています。
特別展をご覧ください - コロマンデル海岸から海峡へ - 私たちのタミル遺産の再訪 - 前近代から現代までの東南アジアとシンガポールにおけるタミル人のディアスポラの経験を詳述する物語の総集編
It was so much than I had originally expected. It’s really well curated, and had some pieces from other cultures showcased too. That didn’t detract from the narrative it explored; now I have a good understanding of the community here. The pieces were gorgeous too. The one thing is that hardships were not explored much, as the narrative was kept pretty sweet and simple, but I think that could be inferred.
It's a hidden gem we discovered in Pelago. We learn a lot about Indian migration and contributions in building the nation. As well as the value and significance of Indian culture and religion to Singapore. Thank you Pelago.
Some of the explanations on some exhibits are very vague and make no sense. It's a hand crafted wood and the definition just says--It's wood !. Yes, we know it's wood but what this piece is all about that what visitors want to know, So, I want them to be more thorough about the information they display.