Embark on a poignant journey to the Auschwitz-Birkenau complex, established in 1940 and operational for five harrowing years. Witness the solemn memorial where 1.5 million lives were tragically lost. Join an expert guide on this Auschwitz tour from Krakow to gain profound insights into the world's most infamous concentration camp.
Walking through Auschwitz is a deeply moving experience, immersing you in the weight of history. This visit will undoubtedly leave an indelible mark on your soul. Board an air-conditioned bus in Krakow and watch a documentary en route. Upon arrival, pass through the gate bearing the haunting words 'Arbeit macht frei' – 'Work sets you free'. Pay your respects at the somber memorial and meet your guide for a comprehensive tour.
Delve into the harrowing facts of the Holocaust and the daily struggles of the prisoners as you explore Auschwitz I, the administrative center, and Auschwitz II, designed for extermination. Witness the poignant remnants of the millions who entered the camps, housed in buildings at Auschwitz I. Traverse the ruins of cabins and crematoriums at Birkenau. Experience the original roads, fences, watchtowers, and railway ramps, gaining a profound understanding of the industrialized genocide that unfolded here. Enter a former gas chamber, bearing witness to the unimaginable horrors that transpired within.
Discover Cracow
JPY 5,686.29
Great Tour leader and tour guide both spoke very good english and were very understandable. Bus was clean and comfortable as well. Ample break time given