‘O sole mio, Torna a Surriento, Anema e Core are Neapolitan songs, famous all around the world, such as Tarantella has become a sort of trademark, which is associated not only to Naples but to Italy as a whole.
During the show there are no microphones or other tools to help the voice and musical instruments: the only two ingredients of recipe are the heart and the immense passion that connects musicians to the territory culture. The exhibition lasts about 1 hour, during which the visitors will be immersed in the most famous Neapolitan melodies and dances to grasp the meaning and real essence. The climax of the involvement will be reached when the entire room will be intent on sing ‘O sole mio', because everyone does know this song.
It will be real and authentic Neapolitan emotions!
Napoli Official Tour
JPY 3,284.94