バンコクから旅行して、メークロン鉄道市場とダムヌン サドゥアック水上マーケットを探索しましょう。ツアー グループに参加して、2 つの象徴的な地元市場を訪れましょう。線路沿いにあるメークロン鉄道市場は、タラド ロム ハプとしても知られています。マーケットがどのように運営され、どのような商品がここで販売されているかを学びましょう。列車が近づくと、市場の屋台や日よけが線路から離れていくのを眺めましょう。
その後、有名なダムヌン サドゥアック水上マーケットに向かいます。外輪ボートに乗って、市場まですぐに行きます。屋台がボートから直接販売している色とりどりの屋台を散策しましょう。異国情緒あふれる景色やおいしい香りを満喫し、マンゴーもち米などの地元の名物料理もお試しください。ツアー ガイドが、見逃せない素晴らしいお買い物をご紹介します。
Very enjoyable
Everything went on well.
Everything was well planned. Tour guide was very friendly and helpful. Thanks
Overall it was great experience tour conducted by the Bigcountry Experience team, considering consolidating 2 different places in one go within the stipulated time-frame. 1st part of the tour was the ordinary train ride which started some distance away, to Maeklong terminal station. Upon arriving the terminal station, we were given some time to roam around the vicinity. 2nd part of the tour was the floating market tour which includes a non-motorboat ride. At the end of the boat tour, we were given ample time for lunch and rest before returning back to bangkok. To enjoy the railway market fully, it is best to get there by yourself due to limited time available in the tour package
Very good
Enjoyed the trip thoroughly. Very interesting experience to see how the locals manage their way of living. Both the guide and the driver are very professional who took great of us, as well as other tour guests in the group. The guide will always initiate to take photos for us.