KL シティ オブ ライツ ナイト ツアー (乗り降り自由のバス) では、日没後のクアラルンプールを体験できる魅力的な方法を提供します。オープントップの 2 階建てバスに乗車すると、ライトアップされた市内のランドマークや活気のある通りのパノラマの景色をお楽しみいただけます。象徴的な KL タワーから歴史あるムルデカ スクエアまで、クアラルンプールのダイナミックなナイトライフ シーンをその栄光の中で目撃するでしょう。さまざまな停留所で乗り降りできるこのツアーでは、自分のペースで市内を探索でき、クアラルンプールの魅力的な夜を体験する便利で思い出に残る方法になります。
It was just amazing. Honestly, I was not expecting it to be so good. Starting with staff, very helpful. The tour itself tries to show us the main attractions to watch by night. It keeps us well entertained and tells us a bit of each building story.
Went with my teens and parents, staff were friendly and the ride was pleasant. Something different to appreciate our beautiful country as we pass by the buildings daily without having a second look, last night was truly eye opening
Very nice tour at night, very friendly and curious staff
Great tour. The guide was great and very knowledgeable.
Fantastic night out with the extended family - being local it was refreshing to see our city from a tourist's perspective. And great booking experience with Pelago!
Very interesting and my children enjoy the ride