Fulfill your traveling to Bali to Lombok and Gili Island or From Gili Island and Lombok to Bali by using Eka Jaya Fast Cruise to maintain your journey fascinated. A friendly staff, coupled with the immensely, powerful water jet engines generating some of the best speeds of any boat make an enjoyable and comfortable from Bali To Lombok or Gili ISland or Vice Versa.
Immediately Till 16 January 2023
From Bali
Trip 1 : Padang Bai to Gilis/Lombok -> Depart Time : 09.00AM
Trip 2: Padang Bai to Senggigi/Gilis/Lombok -> Depart Time: 12:30PM
From LOP
Trip 1: Gilis/Lombok/Senggigi to Padang Bai -> Depart Time: 09.00AM
Trip 2: Gilis/Lombok to Padang Bai -> Depart Time: 11.00AM
Fromn 17 January to 31 Mar 2024
From Bali
Trip 1 : Padang Bai to Gilis/Lombok -> Depart Time : 09.00AM
Trip 2: Padang Bai to Senggigi/Gilis/Lombok -> Depart Time: 11:00AM
From LOP
Trip 1: Gilis/Lombok/Senggigi to Padang Bai -> Depart Time: 11.00AM
Trip 2: Gilis/Lombok to Padang Bai -> Depart Time: 14.30AM
Tour East Indonesia
JPY 9,490.05