チェックアウト時にフライトの到着日を選択してください。フライトが 6 月 5 日の 00:00 に到着する場合は、6 月 5 日を選択してください。
ドライバーはフライト到着後最大 30 分間待機します。
スワンナプーム空港 (BKK): ゲート 4 近くの到着ホールにお集まりください。
ドンムアン空港 (DMK): 国内線の場合はゲート 11 近くの到着ホール、国際線の場合はゲート 5 近くの到着ホールにお集まりください。
Very good driver
Thank you for diver(K.Somwan) to support us.
Driver was friendly and punctual. car is clean. Driver details are shared the night before (at 3 am though)
good punctual, clean and helpful.
Special Thanks to Sabrina for resolving our booking issue. The email response is efficient and fast.
Compliment : The driver was very professional and we are very happy with his service. Complaint : Zoey, customer care team was very unprofessional. She booked the driver at 11am instead of 10am that we slecify in our booking. Instead of helping us to make the correction, she push the resposibility to us to communicate directly with the driver. She cited it was a last minute change, which is incorrect, it was her who make a mistake in the time. And we have to bear the IDD call and worse is the difficulty to communicate as we do not know thai!