Embark on an unforgettable adventure at Krakow Zoo, home to over 1,400 animals representing approximately 270 species. Delve into the captivating world of more than 100 groups of animals, many of which are endangered or at risk of extinction. Marvel at the majestic Rothschild Giraffe, the elusive Przewalski's Horse, the adorable pygmy hippo, the iconic panda bear, the elusive snow leopard, the powerful Amur Tiger, the enigmatic maned wolf, the graceful antelope addaks, the intelligent chimpanzee, and the charming Ruffed Lemur.
Nestled within the scenic Wolski Forest, this area is a beloved retreat for Krakow locals, offering a plethora of well-marked walking trails. Immerse yourself in the natural beauty and tranquility of this enchanting location, with many trails winding their way near the Zoologischer Garten.
Damian Fort CTC
JPY 28,247.85