IOI シティ モール プトラジャヤの Icescape アイス スケート チケット - Photo 1 of 6

IOI シティ モール プトラジャヤの Icescape アイス スケート チケット


アイススケープ アイス リンク入場券



USD 7.82




Glide across the biggest ice skating rink in Malaysia. Icescape is the first Olympic-sized rink with a breathtaking glass view. On the first floor of IOI City Mall in Putrajaya, the rink spans 30 by 60 metres of ice surface clad in large glass panels. It's winter all year round at Icescape! Enjoy a frosty ice skating experience with your family and friends.
Get ready for some frosty fun ice skating with Icescape at IOI City Mall Putrajaya!
Glide across the ice in a winter wonderland right in the heart of Putrajaya.
Experience the thrill of ice skating with friends and family on a pristine skating rink.
Enjoy a cool escape from the Malaysian heat as you twirl and glide to your heart's content.

What's included


Admission to Icescape Ice Skating Rink at IOI City Mall
Skate shoe rental; available for rent in all sizes


Gloves and socks are required; they can be bought on site

Customer reviews


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Icescape Ice Skating at IOI City Mall Putrajaya is praised for its large, uncrowded rink and easy ticketing process via Pelago, which offers cheaper prices and quick QR code entry. Customers appreciate the fun experience for both kids and adults, though some noted issues with skate shoe cleanliness. Overall, it’s a highly recommended activity for families and friends.

Ticket collecting was super easy.

A very nice ice skating ring for adults and kids to enjoy. Ring is big and it is not crowded on the day of visit. They have one time use locker and the service counter has plaster in case you need it for abrasion on your feet.

Additional information

Operating Hours
Good To Know
All skaters must wear a wristband.
Skaters not wearing socks or gloves or not wearing the skates properly shall be prohibited from entering the rink.
Skaters must return rental skates to the skate counter when finished skating.
Outside food and drinks are not allowed.
Please note that the ticket validity is per entry only. You are not allowed to re-enter the venue after exiting.

- All skaters must purchase and wear a wristband.
- Skaters not wearing socks or gloves or not wearing the skates properly shall be prohibited from entering the rink.
- Skaters must return rental skates to the skate counter when finished skating.
- Skaters shall skate in counter-clockwise direction and in circles.
- No running, rowdy and rough play.
- No stick or puck play (ball) allowed outside of the ice surface.
- No food or beverages allowed on the ice at any time.
- No outside food or beverages allowed.
- Smoking within Icescape ice rink and its surrounding premises is strictly prohibited.
- Skating in a manner that endangers or interferes with other skaters' safety or pleasure is strictly forbidden.
- Roughness, excessive speeding or weaving through other skaters is prohibited.
- No tag or games of any kind are permitted on or off the ice.
- Not more than two people may skate together.
- No one is permitted on the ice without skates, except for authorized personnel.
- While on the ice, skaters must keep moving.
- Skaters are not allowed to carry another person or secondary items such as cameras, electronic devices, handbags, etc. while skating.
- Unauthorized personnel are not allowed to coach in Icescape Ice Rink.
- Leaning, sitting, climbing or leave articles on the dasher boards are strictly prohibited.
- All exits are to be kept clear at all times.
- No dogs or pets of any kind are permitted on the premises.
- During resurfacing, skaters are required to leave the ice surface immediately and no one is allowed on the ice.
- Digging, chipping or throwing snowballs or any objects is strictly prohibited.
- Figure skating harness usage during public session is prohibited, except for authorized personnel.
- Skater must strictly abide to all directions and decisions of the rink crew. All decisions of the rink crew or management in respect of the use of the skating rink shall be final and conclusive. The management shall have the right to refuse entry or require anyone to leave the ice rink for any reason as may be deem reasonable and no refund will be given.
- Icescape ice rink is not responsible for any personal items stolen or left within or around the premises.
- Speed Skates are not allowed, except for authorized personnel.
Participants and skaters assume all known and unknown risks and dangers of personal injury, death and damage to personal property arising from or related in any way to admission to the Icescape Ice Rink and including specifically (but not exclusively) the danger of being injured by ice skates, hockey pucks and sticks, other spectators or ice skaters, or by thrown objects. Participants agree that the Icescape Ice Rink and its employees are expressly released by participants for claims arising from such causes. Participants further agree to abide by the policies of Icescape Ice Rink and the instructions of the rink personnel.
By the purchase of the wristband, the participant consents to the use of his/her image, without payment of consideration, in any news broadcasts, commercial broadcasts, advertising or promotional publicity for of Icescape Ice Rink.
Purchased wristbands are non-refundable, non-transferable and non-replaceable.
Booking Confirmation
Refund/Cancellation Policy
Redemption Notes
Ticket Validity



Icescape Ice Rink @ IOI City Mall


IOI シティ モール プトラジャヤのアイススケープ アイススケートの営業時間は何時ですか?
Icescape Ice Skating は毎日午前 10 時から午後 10 時まで営業しています。
Icescape でのアイススケートには最低年齢制限はありますか?
最低年齢制限はありませんが、12 歳未満のお子様には大人の同伴が必要です。
はい、各セッションは 2 時間に制限されています。
Icescape に食べ物や飲み物を持ち込むことはできますか?
いいえ、アイススケープ内では外部からの飲食物の持ち込みは禁止されています。ただし、IOI シティ モール内には飲食店がございます。
IOI シティ モールの Icescape では何を期待できますか?
IOI シティ モールのアイススケープ アイス リンクでは、息をのむようなガラスの景色を望むマレーシア最大のオリンピック サイズのリンクで爽快なアイス スケート体験をお楽しみください。この冬のワンダーランドでは、一年中凍えるような楽しみを楽しむことができ、家族や友人と過ごすのに最適で、マレーシアのうだるような熱帯の暑さから逃れるのに最適です。
IOI シティ モールでアイススケートをする価値はありますか?
はい、IOI シティ モールでアイススケートをする価値はあります。広々としたリンク、使い捨てロッカーや石膏のサービス カウンターなどの便利な設備により、プトラジャヤの中心部で凍りつくような楽しみを満喫できる、素晴らしく手間のかからない冒険になります。
Icescape in IOI City Mallのチケットの料金はいくらですか?
IOI シティ モールの Icescape のチケット料金は 9.3 シンガポールドルで、アイス リンクへの入場とあらゆるサイズのスケート シューズのレンタルが含まれています。スケートに必要な手袋と靴下は現地で購入できますが、ロッカーは含まれていません。
Icescape の営業時間は月曜日から日曜日まで午前 10 時から午後 10 時までで、最終入場は午後 8 時です。
IOI シティモールのアイススケープへの行き方は?
クアラルンプール シティ センターから IOI シティ モールのアイススケープ アイス リンクにアクセスするには、まずハブ レフ プドゥ (LP) まで約 5 分 (350 メートル) 歩きます。そこから、ターミナル バス IOI シティ モールから午後 6 時 33 分に出発する、プトラジャヤ セントラル行きの KRTravelT523 バスに乗ります。 550 メートルを 8 分ほど歩くと、アイススケープ アイス リンク @ IOI シティ モールに到着します。



他にもっと安い価格がある? お知らせいただければ、差額を返金いたします。