自然と動物の楽園、ファーム イン ザ シティは、カンプンをテーマにしたふれあい動物園です。クアラルンプールから 30 分の自然の素晴らしさに浸ってください。野生動物と自然の要素を組み合わせたユニークな新しいコンセプトを体験してください。このエキサイティングな動物園は、自然保護公園の設計された環境の中にあります。
農場と果樹園でマレーシアのカンポン村のライフスタイルと環境を体験してください。 100 種以上のエキゾチックな動物を発見しましょう! 60 種の熱帯果樹、植物、野菜を鑑賞してください。ファーム イン ザ シティでは、開けた敷地内を自由に歩き回る動物たちを楽しめます。それぞれの展示物は、檻や柵を使わずに自然の生息地を模倣しています。
My whole family love it! Alhamdulillah. We're able to get up close to almost all the animals. Rangers are knowledgeable and approachable. Food for animals can be purchased separately. Canteen available for lunch and musollah there to pray. Pony rides are affordable. Great place to bring the kids.
It was really great! Exciting for kids even for parents. Good for family activities during holidays. The rangers also very helpful, knowledgeable and friendly! Looking forward to come again!
My niece have fun and wonderful time visiting the farm here. Purchase the ticket from pelago is easy, cheaper & we just have to show the admission ticket from our email thru hand phone with fast check in from the ticket counter. Will visit here again!!!
Mantop..the best experience so far in terms of animals petting..rangers semua baik2 and approachabl especially ranger yang dekat section burung,kambing,iguana,parrot..Overall memang berbaloi bawak budak2 kecil..
Varies ties of the animals are quite a lot. Children get to interact with animals by feeding or pat the animals. Only the animal food sell by the farm is quite little especially the carrots! Most animals seem to like carrots a lot!! Overall that was a great experience.
All animals are kempt and healthy. The goats and lambs are extremely friendly and hustling for food if they saw one. All good experience with fitc.