この日帰りツアーでは、ジョグジャカルタ南部とその見事な自然の美しさを探索してください。峡谷に架かる素朴な木製の展望台、ジュラン テンベランから壮大な日の出をご覧ください。パノラマを包み込む神秘的な雲と綿のような霧の覆いを体験してください。
ジョグジャカルタで最も息をのむようなビーチでツアーを終了します。ティマン ビーチは、クリスタル ブルーの海、巨大な波、そびえ立つ崖、悪名高い手描きのゴンドラで人気があります。手動のゴンドラに乗るか、吊り橋を渡って近くの島に行きましょう。地元の漁師がティマン ビーチから直接獲った新鮮なロブスターのランチをご賞味ください。
We were with Adi, who takes good photos and so fun to be with. We started early in the morning and finished by 6pm. Adi also brought us to a lobster eatery, we had lunch together, and the lobsters were the best! Some tourists say the lobsters are expensive but they are much cheaper than the lobsters in our country and they are freshly caught! We loved it. We had a great day! 😊
Thank you to Mas Masheru the owner of Jogja Borobudur Tour & Travel and also the guide Mas Udit for excellent 2 days trip. Very helpful and accommodative. Was having miscommunication firstly but it wasy fault and they were very patient and continue to support. Appreciate the effort also to change the Prabanan trip to 2nd day and last minute. Overall very satisfied with the tour company and also thank you for Pelago for selection. Also I love that I can use my krisflyer mile for the 2days trip. It was worth it and the whole family really enjoy it.
투어 코스가 정말 좋았습니다. 일출보던 곳은 물안개가 정말 한 폭의 그림 같이 멋있었고 Hutan Pinus Mangunan은 산책하기 좋았어요. Timang Beach는 중간에 차에서 내려서 개조차량 타고 이동했는데 인디아나 존스가 된 것 같은 기분이었습니다! 곤돌라 케이블 타고 이동해서 본 파도 부서지는 장면들, 주변 풍경들도 너무나 멋있었습니다. 드라이버인 Ali 정말 친절했고 숙소 drop-off 일정 시간인 2시에 딱 맞춰서 종료됐습니다. 다만 Hutan Pinus가 정확히 어디인지, 제목과 상세페이지에 명확하게 기재해주셔야 할 것 같습니다. 이름이 비슷한 게 많아서 Pengger 숲인 줄 알았거든요. 물론 Mangunan 숲도 산책하고 사진 찍기는 좋았어요.
It was stated as a sunrise tour at Jurang Tembelan but the spot the driver brought us is facing the wrong direction for sunrise viewing - a waste of time and precious sleep to have to wake up early for nothing.