ここでは、あらゆる色と形のバニシング クラフトが、老いも若きも記憶をのぞき見し、急速に近代化する都市に深みと質感を与えています。商業化、再開発、好みの変化、より良い仕事の機会に直面して、彼らは急速に衰退し、永遠に消えていきます.それらすべてを見逃してしまう前に、シンガポールの印象的なハードウェアの間を歩きましょう。それを、私たちがお気に入りの地域で彼らの物語の住人から直接経験したり聞いたりすることと対比させてください.
Totally enjoyed Jan's “Meet the Vanishing Craftsmen of Singapore” walk as a fun team bonding activity. His passion and knowledge made it especially memorable for me and my team members. It felt like a close friend was bringing us around. Jan's relationship with the community and understanding of the history of Jalan Besar helped us see hidden corners of the area while connecting us with the vanishing craftsmen, who gave us an intimate view of their lives. The vanishing food items were delicious too! Highly recommended for an enjoyable and insightful 3 hours! Best to do this with comfy shoes, open minds, and empty tummies :)