"Parisians, it's better to see them in a show than in real life!"
Do you want to know the truth about the city of Paris and its inhabitants? Then this is the show to see because only a real Parisian can tell you about her city!
With more than 25.000 spectators in two years with her first show, Julie comes back with a new show 100% in English which explores this philosophical question: "what is a Parisian? Her show, with its caustic humour, follows current events in Paris and makes the most of improvisation, singing and mime!
"A hilarious crash course on the "real" Paris". The Scotsman
"the funniest girl in Paris" ELLE
"Julie is teaching Parisians to laugh at themselves" France 24
" A brilliant Parisan provocation by a stunning comedian" Berliner Zeitung
Theatre BO Saintt Martin
DearestParis Production
JPY 4,732.93