グリーン エーカーズ オーチャード ファーム(11:00AM)
オーチャード ファーム
500 本のトロピカル フルーツ、ハーブ、スパイスの木の間を歩きながら、五感を刺激する体験をお楽しみください。
ウォーキング トレイル
遊歩道を歩き、バリク プラウの丘やその先の美しい景色を撮影しましょう。
Very enjoyable and informative tour conducted by Eric and Kim who are the lovely owners of the farm. Learnt about the different plants and fruit trees around the farm with alot of tasting along the way. Ended the tour with a simple but delicious meal prepared by Kim with fresh Pandan coconut and fruits. Do wear proper shoes as the trail can be a little slippery after the rain. Also, it is easier to arrange for Mr Joe to drive you up to the farm as the road gets very narrow and steep. Kim provided me with Mr Joe’s contact. He is very funny and nice to chat with!
Eric and Kim is very kind and friendly. They are very open to share whatever knowledge that they have