To ensure that the Mevlevi Sema Ceremony is performed without compromising its essential character, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism issued in 2008 the Circular Regarding Mevlevi Culture-Sema Ceremonies. According to this Circular, the Sema Ceremony must be performed with traditional works from Mevlevi Music, which are an inseparable part of the Sema, in spaces where this culture can be accurately transmitted and introduced and in environments that meet the necessary requirements. The dervishes and musicians who participate in the programs must possess the necessary technical and musical competence. They must conduct themselves solemnly, aware that they are not only representing a culture during the program but performing “a transcendent practice with Sufi characteristics.”
Irfan Medeniyeti
Dolash Konya Turizm Seyahat Acentası
JPY 4,396.31