We have 2 options to see Panama in 4 wheels…
Option 1 is our e❌treme… e❌treme Jungle ATV’s ONLY for experienced drivers that can handle the real jungle.
To sign up for this option, you must have use 35cc or 450 cc’s before in a terrain with mud, hills and cracks!
Adrenaline to another level.
Option 2: we are pleased to offer a UNIQUE & AWESOME experience in 4 wheels including the visit to an spectacular Panamanian Pineapple farm… on the 4 wheels….
Mud, Hills, panamanian farms in the boondocks and an insanely beautiful pineapple “finca” on West Panama!
Have you ever picture yourself riding a 4 wheel and going up a hill with the most incredible view of 1.5 million pineapples??!
No one but us are offering a 4 wheel such a fantastic tour that leaves you speechless.
Adrenaline + Fun +Learning how we grow the most delicious Pineapples in the world???…. Simply amazing!
Panama City
The Real Panama Trs
JPY 41,476.51