Lawan gerombolan zombie haus otak dalam 30 menit kesenangan imersif dengan game bertahan hidup zombie realitas virtual populer seperti Arizona Sunshine, Propagasi, dan Properti Pribadi. Setiap permainan menampilkan konsep dan tingkat kelangkaan yang berbeda. Bekerjasama dengan teman Anda dalam menembak jatuh kawanan zombie yang haus darah, dipersenjatai dengan gudang senjata keren. Pilih tiga rekan tim terbaik Anda dalam mode permainan kooperatif yang mendukung hingga empat pemain. Namun berhati-hatilah, game-game ini mengandung darah kental dan ketakutan melompat.
Had a lot of fun, activity is easy to pick up after the training by the staff! Staff were also very kind and friendly, and we were given freebies + a commemorative photo- would recommend for a good time with friends!
Went Really well!
We were late because we did notice the time. They would not let us play. Offered at later time, but we would not be able to come back because of other agenda. No sympathy at all, we came all the way from overseas