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Harap tiba di Galeri Nasional 15 menit lebih awal untuk menyimpan barang bawaan Anda dan mengikuti pengarahan prapengalaman. Berpakaianlah dengan nyaman, karena Anda akan berdiri selama sekitar 20 menit. Harapkan ruangan yang gelap, lampu yang menyala-nyala, dan suara yang keras. Tas, makanan, atau minuman tidak diperbolehkan. Orang yang datang terlambat dan anak-anak berusia 12 tahun ke bawah tidak akan diizinkan masuk.
IDR 347.600
Scarce City was based around a simple activity of catching lights but it made me and my friends reflect on our intentions, actions and their effects on ourselves as well as the world around us. It seems to ask the question: is there a different way to get to a better future for everyone? I also want to praise the game design, sound design and overall environmental design as it made for a very immersive and fun experience. I also appreciated the after-activity discussion where we got to see our game performance results and learn more about how this activity came to be!
amazing i recoommend highly
a timely conversation on sustainability and thoughts on the current state of the world. an amazing game experience that is unlike any other. a must catch :)
A great little social experiment
It was definitely both a thought provoking but also fun afternoon
Scarce City is a clever game, engaging and energetic with a learning objective.
Not to give any spoilers away but this was a fun and meaningful experience that turns your expectations of a game upside down! Great opportunity for reflection through the mode of a game. This is the perfect activity for a rainy day! Highly recommend as a date activity.
Experientially wonderful. Thoughtful use of lighting, technology to communicate important questions. Stretches beyond climate or sustainability to also question human psychology. Time at the end of the event for discussion is a good feature.