Embark on a captivating journey to Mazamitla, Jalisco, where a plethora of unforgettable experiences awaits you. The adventure begins in the charming town of Mazamitla, characterized by traditional architecture, cobblestone streets, and lively markets showcasing artisans displaying their crafts.
Participants have the option to choose and purchase an activity directly from Sierra Tours while exploring the town, or they can opt to head to Mundo Aventura to buy their experience there. It's important to note that these options are not included in the initial price.
The tour concludes with a return to the city, making a brief stop in San Luis Soyotlán. Here, participants can indulge in local specialties known as "vampiros," unique to the region.
Expert guides enhance the experience by sharing insights into the history, traditions, and natural wonders of the area.
This extraordinary tour to Mazamitla promises an unforgettable blend of adventure, beauty, and cultural immersion.
Mazamitla Sierra Tours
San Luis Soyatlan
IDR 5.111.300