The ticket is valid for a selected date and time.
It is recommended that you arrive 5-10 min before the time stated on your ticket. Please note you will not be allowed entry if you arrive 30min after your start time
Please wear light clothing. Before you enter you will be required to put on a provided orange jumpsuit over your clothes. This is to ensure you are easily identifiable to avoid escape until released.
Our jumpsuits sizes range between XS - 4XL. Please note that they are not compulsory and can be worn in a more comfortable way (i.e tying it around the waist).
All the drinks are already included in your tickets and nothing will be available for purchase onsite. No food will be served or purchasable on site. There is no liquor in Alcotraz so it is important you smuggle in your own. We recommend 1x 350ml for every 2-3 inmates, 1x 700ml bottle of spirit for every 5-6 inmates! Our team of inmate mixologists are highly skilled, therefore, we recommend smuggling in base spirits, such as Gin, Vodka, Rum etc so they can make you and your gang delicious cocktails.
Smoking and vaping are prohibited. Other prohibited items are:- drugs and drug paraphernalia, flammables, promotional items/unauthorised solicitations/vendors (including flyers, samples, giveaways).