Orang di bawah usia 16 tahun harus memiliki orang dewasa sebagai perusahaan untuk menandatangani formulir pengabaian. Hubungi penyedia melalui WhatsApp di 93430206 sebelum mendaftar.
Pemesanan adalah untuk SATU orang. Jika Anda berniat untuk mengerjakan sebuah karya dengan seorang teman, Anda dapat melakukannya tanpa biaya tambahan. Dua orang dapat bekerja sama dalam satu karpet.
Setelah selesai permadani, itu akan dikirimkan ke alamat rumah Anda dalam waktu 3 sampai 4 minggu.
Hubungi 81770206 untuk menjadwal ulang lokakarya Anda. Anda dapat melakukannya selambat-lambatnya 24 jam sebelum waktu janji temu yang dijadwalkan. Jadwal ulang slot tergantung ketersediaan. Pengembalian dana tidak akan ditawarkan setelah konfirmasi pembayaran. No-show akan dianggap sebagai slot bekas.
Jika Anda masih membutuhkan lebih banyak waktu untuk merapikan permadani Anda, Anda dapat mengisi ulang dengan $20/jam di tempat.
It was a lot of fun and not as challenging as it appeared. We would definitely recommend it and may well come back to do it again!
This activity was awesome! The instructors were incredibly flexible and patient, offering plenty of guidance throughout the session, making it easy for us beginners to enjoy the process. It was a fun and creative experience that left me with a beautiful finished piece. Highly recommend!
Tufting class was really fun and challenging. Staff on site was friendly and more than willing to share their expertise and advice on how best to tuft. Booking on Pelago was a breeze and straightforward. Highly recommend this experience!
It was a fun activity. You get to keep a self made art piece. It seems they aren't too hard up on the duration so that's a good thing but if you're the kind that cannot stand for too long hours, its probably better to just do one piece and share the workload then come back another day if you want to do another.
The promotion offered by Pelago made it more cost-effective and helped me fulfil my wish of tufting with my partner. Always thought I would have to do it in JB but now I could do it locally. During the activity itself, the staff were helpful and attentive in guiding us at the start when we weren't so familiar. We really appreciated that and also how they gave us space to work on it ourselves once we were more familiar with the activity. Honestly a 11/10 experience!
Great couple activity!