I'm Kevin and you could say that I'm a cultural interpreter, not a teacher (passing on knowledge) or a sightseeing guide (pointing things out).
I lead exploratory walks and unscripted cultural experiences.
Information is presented in a way that allows my guests to make their own mental connections because, after all, a tour with just interesting information is infotainment.
The most memorable tours are the ones that make people think and feel.
For example, to this day, in the southeast corner of Nuremberg, the remains of structures located on the former Nazi Party Rally Grounds impress visitors with their immense proportions and stand as vivid testimony to the megalomania of the National Socialist regime. This area of 4 square miles was intended to be an impressive backdrop for the Nazi party rallies and serve to demonstrate their power not only to Germany but to the entire world.
This tour takes place come rain or shine
Reichsparteigelande (Nazi Party Rally Grounds)
Nuremberg Tours in English Specializing in PRIVATE Tours
IDR 7.235.100