07:00-08:00 - Penjemputan dari hotel pilihan di Perth
08:00 - Berangkat dari Perth dan memulai tur
Pergi melalui Perth Hills
Teh pagi di kota bersejarah York (Biaya sendiri)
Jelajahi Wheatbelt Highway melalui kota pertanian Corrigin dan Kondinin
Lewati Pemakaman Anjing yang terkenal
Kunjungi formasi batuan Hippo's Yawn
Nikmati makan siang bergaya pedesaan Australia di Wildflower Shop
Kunjungi Caversham Wildlife Park, Antique Lace Collection, atau Toy Soldier Museum (tergantung ketersediaan pada hari tur)
Lihat formasi batuan prasejarah Wave Rock dan situs-situs suci Aborigin
20:30 - Tiba di Perth dan akhir tur dengan pengantaran ke hotel
Catatan: Itinerary dapat berubah karena kondisi cuaca atau lalu lintas.
It was a long drive to the attraction but there were stops along the way for toilet, snacks and leg stretching. The driver and guide team entertained the group well with good knowledge. Made friends along the way with other fellow travellers.
The journey from Perth to Wave Rock is a relatively long trip to and from, the guide and coach driver make it an enjoyable trip overall. Worth the journey to see the Wave Rock!