Mount Sinai, also called Mountain of Moses or Mount Hareh, Hebrew Har Sinai, Arabic Jabal Mūsā. Mount Sinai is renowned as the principal site of divine revelation in Jewish history, where God is purported to have appeared to Moses and given him the Ten Commandments (Exodus 20; Deuteronomy 5). According to Jewish tradition, not only the decalogue but also the entire corpus of biblical text and interpretation was revealed to Moses on Sinai.
St. Catherine to visit St. Catherine monastery 220 km northwest Sharm el Sheikh and located between the St. Catherine’s mounts and Moses Mount which is the oldest monastery of Christianity. It is an Orthodox Greek monastery within its amazing walls rests a citadel like no other, incredibly rich in important religious and historical structures. Among its treasures is a library of ancient manuscripts and icons second only to the Vatican’s itself, and a 6th century church reputed to lie directly on the site of the Burning Bush.
Mount Sinai
St. Catherine's Monastery
Nile Valley Tours
IDR 566.400