Embark on an extraordinary adventure as you explore the enchanting realm of Table Mountain, a nature haven brimming with captivating biodiversity. Immerse yourself in the allure of the elusive Table Mountain Ghost Frog, a rare and mystical amphibian found exclusively in this breathtaking landscape. This majestic mountain is a sanctuary for diverse wildlife, from the charming rock hyrax to the mesmerizing avian inhabitants.
Beyond its fascinating fauna, Table Mountain captivates with its iconic flat top, offering a truly unique and awe-inspiring spectacle. This geological wonder, resembling a perfectly set table, has bestowed upon the mountain its renowned and poetic moniker. Prepare to be spellbound by the untold wonders and natural splendor that await you on the remarkable Table Mountain, where each step unveils a new chapter in the story of this mesmerizing sanctuary.
Scenic Views: 360 degree, photo opportunities and walking trails
Table Mountain Aerial Cableway
Giraffe Horizons
IDR 1.347.200