Embark on “Malindi Love Journey: A Romantic Historical Escape,” a tour designed for couples seeking a blend of romance and discovery in the heart of Malindi. This is not just any tour; it’s a journey of love and connection. As you explore the historic and natural wonders of Malindi, from the enchanting Malindi Museum to the iconic Vasco da Gama Pillar, each step brings you closer together. The tranquil Public Park and the picturesque Malindi Pier provide the perfect backdrop for creating lasting memories. Our expert guides will lead you on a path filled with stories, beauty, and romance, making you the hero of your own love story. This tour is ideal for couples looking to celebrate their love, rekindle the spark, or enjoy each other’s company in some of Malindi’s most romantic settings. Join us on this romantic escape and let the magic of Malindi envelop you.
Malindi Museum
Malindi pier
Public park
Vasco da Gama Pillar Kenya
USD 269.62