Stratford's famous WalkTalkShow is a fascinating guided walk through the entire history of Stratford, from its humble 7th Century beginnings. Our guides will tell you all about the town, William Shakespeare and the buildings and events that punctuate a history spanning 14 centuries.
The tour has 12 stops - each one used to illustrate key historical details; both about the Bard and his hometown. Just how significant was the Guild of the Holy Cross [founded 1269] to local history - and who was the enigmatic Hugh Clopton?
See Harvard House (1596), the family home of the man who went on to start America's most famous University. Shakespeare frequented all five of the taverns from his day that survive to this - and you still can. You will also learn a lot about the greatest writer ever as well as the iconoclastic forces of English history that shaped the man, his home town, the British Isles - and thereafter the wider world. Full details at:
Royal Shakespeare Theatre
Shakespeare's Birthplace
The American Fountain
Stratford-upon-Avon(Pass by)
Town Hall Stratford upon Avon
Shakespeare's New Place
Shakespeare's Schoolroom & Guildhall
Stratford-upon-Avon(Pass by)
Swan Theatre
Royal Shakespeare Theatre
USD 15.63