Embark on a captivating journey to the heart of the British countryside. Explore the picturesque county of Kent, known as the Garden of England, with its lush orchards and hop gardens. Bid farewell to London as you venture through leafy-green Greenwich and into the charming countryside.
Begin your adventure with a visit to the historic Leeds Castle, steeped in dark medieval history. Discover tales of medieval queens, King Henry VIII, and intriguing villainy that rivals a Game of Thrones season finale. Next, immerse yourself in the grandeur of Canterbury Cathedral, a majestic yet poignant site where Thomas Becket, the Archbishop of Canterbury, met his tragic fate in 1170. Marvel at the architectural wonders, ancient ruins of St Augustine’s Abbey, and exquisite early medieval stained glass.
Conclude your journey with a visit to the iconic White Cliffs of Dover. These magnificent chalky cliffs stand as a formidable barrier against the English Channel. Witness the breathtaking natural beauty and learn about their historical significance as a defensive stronghold during wartime. Brace yourself against the winds and revel in the awe-inspiring views of this iconic natural wonder.
Tiqets International B.V.
USD 132.70