Adults: 19-64 years old
Children: 7-12 years old
Youth: 13-18 years old
The content of this product is provided by machine translation and may not
reflect the actual information, please take this into consideration before
- Period: 2024.08.15 (Thu) - 2025.04.30 (Wed)
- Time: 10:00 - 20:00 (Last admission: 19:00)
- Closed: Every Monday
- Unused tickets cannot be refunded after the validity period expires.
- There is no separate notice regarding the expiration date, so please view
it before it expires.
-Immersive_k is not responsible for any problems that may arise from transfers or transactions between individuals after ticket purchase.
- If you do not have proof of discount ticket, you will not be able to pay the difference on site. You will need to cancel your existing reservation and repurchase it at the regular price.
- Please be aware that the interior of the media art exhibition is dark and has loud sound effects, and there are enclosed spaces within the exhibition hall.
- Media art uses light to create visual images, so people who are sensitive to light or have a condition related to light should be careful.
-You may feel cold as the temperature inside the exhibition hall is maintained at an appropriate level.
-No refunds after admission.
-Re-entry is not permitted after exiting.
-Food and drinks are not allowed inside.
-Please keep your distance for your safety.
-Please remain quiet.
- Pets are not allowed.
-Please set your phone to vibrate mode.
USD 6.98