Step into the magical world of Plopsa Station, an indoor fun park located within the unique setting of Antwerp Central Station. Join your favorite heroes and immerse yourself in a day of thrilling adventures and family-friendly entertainment.
Embark on an action-packed journey with Mega Mindy on The Flying Bicycles, or explore Maya's Playground for a fun-filled experience. Join Piet Pirate on Storm at Sea and let the wild waves take you on an exhilarating ride. For a different kind of thrill, join Wickie the Viking on the crazy Falling Tower!
Take a ride on the Lucky Luke Express and venture into the Wild West for an unforgettable adventure. Enjoy a round-trip ride on Jommekes Carrousel and journey through the enchanting Smurf village. Get your tickets to Plopsa Station Antwerp and make unforgettable memories with your favorite heroes!
Plopsa Station Antwerp NV
USD 23.66