Embark on a journey into the world of Eimverk, a family-run distillery that has been crafting premium Icelandic spirits exclusively from local ingredients since 2009. Eimverk takes pride in its triumphant trio of spirits: Flóki, a groundbreaking single malt whisky; Vor, a pot-distilled gin with a twist; and Víti, an exquisite incarnation of traditional Icelandic Brennivín.
Discover the captivating story of Flóki, Iceland's pioneering whisky, meticulously handcrafted over four years through 163 trial distillations and maturation tests to concoct the ultimate recipe. Witness the distillery's bespoke equipment working its magic on the barley, extracting its full flavour, before maturing the whisky in new American oak casks. The end result is a complex malt boasting a distinctive blend of qualities reminiscent of Bourbon, Scotch, and Irish whiskies.
Eimverk Distillery
USD 36.11