Embark on a captivating journey through the evolution of modern street art at Miami's Museum of Graffiti. Situated in the vibrant graffiti hub of Wynwood, this museum offers a fascinating insight into the rollercoaster story of graffiti. From its rebellious origins in the '60s and '70s counter-culture to its current status as a highly respected art form, the museum showcases the transformation of graffiti.
Step into the indoor exhibition space, adorned with stunning works by renowned artists. Immerse yourself in archival material that traces graffiti's evolution from vandalism and protest to a subversive underground art and mainstream cultural phenomenon. Explore the 11 mesmerizing exterior wall murals and a fine art gallery. As you exit through the gift shop, prepare to be captivated by authentic artworks, memorabilia, and one-of-a-kind pieces from Miami's vibrant art scene.
Museum of Graffiti
USD 17.48