Palermo is the city's most up and coming neighborhood, its streets are an open-air urban art gallery packed with color and style! We will wander its sleek cobblestone passageways exploring all sorts of urban art; from murals, paste-ups, mosaics and physical graffiti that speak to creativity of the most dynamic and hip neighborhood in Buenos Aires.
Starting in the heart of Soho we will pass by boutiques and gastropubs discussing how local art and inspiration crafted its own unique aesthetic and possibly witness artists painting live!
-The colorful streets pasaje Santa Rosa y Russell.
-Artworks by some of Buenos Aires’ top street artists: El Marian, Magee, Campos Jesse, Dario Coronda, No me Baño and more!
-The centennial Mercado de Pulgas, Palermo Hollywood and Serrano Square.
Learn about:
-The history of Argentine street art.
-The reflection of Argentine idiosyncrasy and history on Palermo’s walls.
-Street art and its relationship with gentrification.
Flea Market Mercado de Pulgas
Palermo Hollywood
Palermo Soho
Lunfarda Travel
USD 320