No changes, cancellations or refunds after ordering
Failure to make an appointment or not showing up at the scheduled reception time will be deemed a no-show and all fees will not be refunded
If a Typhoon Signal No. 8 or higher or black rain warning is issued, or if unexpected road conditions or severe congestion prevent the premium car from reaching the destination, the service will be suspended for safety reasons. Applicants can reschedule the service for the same duration at no additional cost.
Tunnel tolls, bridge tolls, parking lot fees, and other miscellaneous fees will be reimbursed and reimbursed. We will get complete itinerary information from you before the trip starts to roughly estimate tunnel tolls, bridge tolls, parking fees and other miscellaneous charges. If there are additional uncalculated related fees, they will be collected by the supplier after the trip is completed.
If any equipment, appliances, devices or other property in the vehicle is damaged or destroyed (other than normal wear and tear) due to negligence, the customer shall pay the cost of repairing, restoring or repurchasing the items concerned.
Please take care of your belongings. Pelago and its suppliers will not be responsible for any damage or theft before or during the ride.
All transportation vehicles used in this activity have purchased government-designated operating insurance. Customers can purchase personal insurance if nece
Pelago and its suppliers are not responsible for any damage caused by customers during the ride.
In case of any dispute, Pelago and the supplier will reserve the right to make the final decision.