Here at the heart of Sápmi you can become a reindeer herder for a day. You can ride a reindeer sleigh alone in the winter landscape, feed the reindeer and eat delicious food.
You are invited to be a part of the real life of the Sámi people. A professional reindeer herder will introduce you to his reindeer herd in his native environment.
We are a reindeer herding family in Swedish lapland. We live and operate in the northern Sweden, middle of the Torneträsk-Soppero primeval forest which is located north of Kiruna city. We are an indigenous people in Europe and the Nordic countries. The area that has historically been inhabited by our ancestors for generations is called Sápmi and includes northern part of Norway, Sweden, Finland and Russia. Our goal for you is to have a genuine experience with us, in our everyday life.
Malmvägen 9B
Go to Lapland AB
USD 270.82