Swakopmund, known as the prime holiday resort of Namibia, was founded in August 1892 by the German Colonial Reich. For many years this town was the main harbour for the territory, being served by the mole and later the jetty. Both these structures still exist. Many historical buildings dating from that area are still being used and are rated as historical monuments. The distinct German Colonial character of Swakopmund has been well preserved and is undoubtedly a key attraction for tourists and entrepreneurs.
The walking tour of Historical Swakopmund concentrates on the historical part of Swakopmund. Your guide will relate the history of Swakopmund and explain the origin of the various historical buildings in town. These include the Woermannhaus, a superb example of early architecture, Prinzessin-Rupprecht-Heim, a striking reminder of the way of life of the early years, and the Marine Memorial, a monument of superb detail.
Swakopmund Jetty
Hotel Prinzessin Rupprecht B&B Swakopmund Namibia
German Evangelical Lutheran Church
Marine memorial
Kallisto Tours & Services
USD 36.09