We will begin by preparing some delicious salsas, followed by an authentic and traditional Mexican mole, tasty enmoladas, and mexican rice. You'll be educated on the ingredients, tell you about the culinary and nutritional values, and how to prepare and cook each part of the meal. We are always vegetarian, vegan or gluten-free friendly if that is an interest. We will discuss the history and cultural importance of the Mole and how it used to be the “Food of the Emperors”, reserved only for the upper class of the Mayan and Aztec society. During the lesson you will be enticed to explore your environment: the cozy den with its fireplace and library; and the surrounding courtyard with its organic gardens and gorgeous landscapes. Having prepared the delicious meal, we will sit down and dine, engaging in wonderful conversation. As welcome we will enjoy a pure cacao chocolate drink and plenty of delicious Mexican wine at all time. All while surrounded by a beautiful and tranquil environment.
Aldama 9
Azteca Entertainment SMA
USD 172.78