WW2 and beer combine two things that are very popular with many of my customers. So I've taken my popular Nuremberg Rally Grounds Tour, which is a great way to learn about the former nazi party rally grounds and National Socialism, and combined it with something else that is very popular with my customers. . . BEER! Talk about killing two birds with one stone. With this tour, you will not only quench your thirst for WW2 knowledge but have a chance to wash it down with some excellent German beer as well.
I present information in a way that allows my guests to make their own mental connections because, after all, a tour with just interesting information is infotainment.
The most memorable tours are the ones that make people think and feel and that is what you'll get on my tour.
Reichsparteigelande (Nazi Party Rally Grounds)
Schanzenbräu Schankwirtschaft
Nuremberg Tours in English Specializing in PRIVATE Tours
SGD 1,051.54