Embark on a captivating 2-day adventure through the breathtaking landscapes of Mestia and Ushguli, nestled amidst the towering peaks of the Svaneti region. Day one begins in Mestia, where centuries-old Svan towers stand as stoic guardians of a rich cultural heritage. Explore the Svaneti Museum of History and Ethnography to unravel the region's fascinating past before hiking through lush meadows to the enchanting Chalaadi Glacier. As the sun sets, immerse yourself in local hospitality, savoring Svan delicacies that warm both body and soul. On day two, venture to the mythical village of Ushguli, a UNESCO World Heritage site and one of Europe's highest inhabited settlements. Marvel at the ancient stone towers and rustic charm as you traverse the picturesque villages. With each step, you'll be drawn deeper into the timeless allure of Svaneti, where traditions endure, and nature reigns supreme.
Zuruldi Mountain
Ughviri Pass
SGD 621.92