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The city has always been a bit more liberal than most in Germany, allowing art and culture to flourish and creating an atmosphere of vitality. Branching out of Karlsruhe's grand palace, this city has no old quarter, and that leaves guests usually puzzled. Karlsruhe is a young city, having been founded in 1715, and therefore lacking in a medieval urban structure so seen in most German cities. This city is the product of the mind of Baden's Margrave Karl-Wilhelm, with the palace at its centre and 32 streets radiating outwards. This made it an open city, without walls and therefore tolerant and liberal from the get-go. Even the location of the city centre in a former munitions factory can be seen as a symbol of the ever-changing rhythm of time.
Karlsruhe Palace
Karlsruhe Pyramid
Stadtkirche Karlsruhe
Verfassungssaule - Grossherzog-Karl-Denkmal
Global Guide Services
SGD 378.76