Every Saturday Night we visit the prestigious Samba School Salgueiro (best in Rio) and we will take you to this unmissable experience.
Samba Schools start their preparation several months before the Carnival Parade. The Samba Rehearsals start in August.
Arriving at the Samba School Rehearsal a comfortable table will be waiting for you.
This unforgettable night will start with a Brazilian Music Band.
Enthusiastic Dancers, talents musicians will introduce you into the magical Samba and Carnival world.
Around 00:00 AM will be the Top of the night, the presentation of the “Bateria” (percussion orchestra). Sixty percussion instruments played simultaneously in perfect harmony create a contagious and energetic rhythm called Samba.
At 1:00 am we will take you and your group back to your accommodation.
Without a doubt, you will remember this night forever!! The Samba School Rehearsal it’s not just a show, it’s a cultural experience that you can´t miss in your visit to Rio de Janeiro.
Quadra Do Salgueiro
Rio Carnaval Tickets