Birding with one of the Mello Brothers is usually a unique experience. Authors of 2 books (field guides) about Brazilian birds, Daniel and Gabriel Mello are birders since 2007 and have all the necessary skills to identify the Atlantic Forest birds in the field, either by their voices or appearance. In addition, all these years in the field also gave them experience to understand the behavior of the species that occur in the region, which facilitates in the moment of attracting these birds for visual contemplation or amateur/professional bird photography. The Serra dos Órgãos national park is the third oldest national park in Brazil and has a biodiversity that many countries would envy. Within the limits of the Park, more than 400 species of birds have been cataloged and even on a single day tour it is possible to observe many of them.
Sede Guapimirim do Parque Nacional da Serra dos Órgãos
Parque Nacional da Serra dos Orgaos
INEA - Subsede Vale da Revolta - Parque Estadual dos Três Picos
Irmãos Mello Birding Tours
SGD 371.32