The show takes the story of a Chinese girl returning to China to find her roots as the main line, starting a journey to find national memory, like a magical time and space shuttle, comprehensively and three-dimensionally showing the grand chapter of the five prosperous periods of dynasties. Among them, the pottery production of Banpo 6,000 years ago, the poetry and bronze culture of the Western Zhou Dynasty with a history of 3,000 years, the opening of the Silk Road of the Western Han Dynasty with a history of 2,000 years, and the prosperity of Chang'an(Xi’an) in the Tang Dynasty.
The combination of virtual and real performance techniques allows "Xi'an Romantic show" to break the boundary between the stage and the audience area, allowing the audience to immerse themselves in the epic changes that have taken place in Xi'an's past and are taking place.Xi'an in the new era takes the "one Belt one Road" as an opportunity to enter a new era of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation
Catherine Lu Tours
SGD 107.86