Bacalar is an idyllic town set on an enchanting inland lagoon, immersed in nature, with a presence of colonial history & pirates.
We embark upon a sailing boat to navigate our way across the mesmerizing waters of 7 different shades of blue.
The contrasting tones make a fabulous location for exploring the waterways, the hidden history & exuberant nature of Bacalar.
This place will make you feel happy & relaxed immediately, and in traveling by sail boat, a wonderfully natural alternative to noisy motorboats, you will feel integrated into this wonderful environment.
An absolute must for those interested in beautiful landscapes, nature photography, sailing & water sports. Great for a family day out or simply to get away from the Riviera Maya for something more laid back. The lagoon is a virtually unknown alternative to the beach, with the clearest of water you are ever likely to see.
Laguna Bacalar
Mexico Kan Tours
NZD 1,615