If you want to discover the deep reality of the colombian capital you should join me in this experience trying to see and understand the configuration of the colombian society, we will not see colonial architecture, museums or fancy streets, we will go through the south neighborhoods of Bogota by using one of the most innovative transportation system in the world, Tansmilenio and Transmi Cable (Cable car). Bogota has different faces and this a really interesting one you dont want to miss. First of all, we take the Transmilenio (BRT System) direction to Tunal Station and reach the Cable Care used by 700.000 locals everyday as their main transportation system. We will go to the last station Paraiso, and walk around in a deteriorated urban district by the violence and poorness in the past, trying to improve its habitants and surroundings through the education, urban renovation, sports and art equipments.
TransMiCable Tunal Station
Rolombia Trips
NZD 91