Explore Museum Kimchikan, a top Kimchi and Kimjang food museum. Discover
Kimchi's rich history and regional varieties for an unforgettable experience.
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— What You Can Expect —
Explore Museum Kimchikan, a captivating food museum centered around Kimchi and
Kimjang, emblematic of traditional Korean culture. Recognized as one of CNN's
World’s Top 11 Food Museums, it invites global visitors to immerse themselves
in the flavors, joy, and heritage of Kimchi. Journey through the Kimchi
culture of the Joseon Dynasty, the modern-day history and culture of Kimchi,
and the diverse regional variations that exhibit unique characteristics.
Embrace this opportunity for an unforgettable and delightful experience with
— FAQ —
Q. Is an exhibition guide provided?
A. You can access the docent guide through the Qpicker application, available in Korean and English
Museum Kimchikan