Ticket is valid for a selected date and time
It is recommended that you arrive within the time stated on your ticket, but you can arrive within the next 30 minutes.
Adult ticket is required for ages 13+ and Child ticket is required for ages 4-12 years old
Children under the age of 4 can visit free of charge
Minors under the age of 17 need to be accompanied by adults
There is no specific dress code for the experience except for mandatory socks at the bubble bath - also please be considerate of the mirror floors in some rooms
Feel free to take photos and share them. When taking photos, please make sure not to disturb other customers. Professional equipment and tripods are not permitted.
There are a couple of rooms that feature latex production elements but only in one room you’ll get directly in contact with latex. Please make our staff aware of your allergy upon your arrival.
Smoking and vaping is not allowed.
Weapons, drugs, outside food & beverage are prohibited at the experience
This event is not pet-friendly. However, service animals are allowed.
smooth check out for the tickets, smooth check in with qr code. kids enjoyed the experience.
Fun activity for kids/teens, booking experience was smooth
Kids loved it. Ball pool was massive. Very tiring but great fun
It was a good mother + daughter activity. Spent 3 hours in total exploring the different IG friendly and immersive experiences. The bubble machine was down, so everyone was given a bubble wand memento in lieu.
Kids enjoyed the activity. Definitely recommended.
Best Place for Kids and Family