Embark on a Japanese sake-tasting journey in Nada, Kobe, Japan's top sake-producing area, known for its renowned Junmai Sake "Pure Nada Sake" and its rich history of sake production since the Edo Period, where you can explore various sake breweries and receive a special souvenir of fresh spring water in a bottle shaped like Kobe Port Tower.
Don't miss out on the special gift during this tour of Nada Gogo Sake Brewery—a solid bottle shaped like the iconic Kobe Port Tower, filled with fresh spring water sourced from Mt. Rokko, which not only serves as a refreshing beverage but can also be repurposed for various uses even after consumption, making it a unique keepsake to cherish.
Kiku-Masamune Sake Brewery Museum
Hakutsuru Sake Brewery Museum
H.I.S.Co., Ltd.
MYR 1,616.42