Hidden behind unassuming doors on Seel Street lies Alcotraz, a spekeasy prison staffed with crooked guards to help you smuggle liquor past the Warden and get it into the hands of the "longest-serving" inmates.
Inspired by Hollywood Movies and TV that have brought to life prison stories, Alcotraz is Liverpool's first immersive theatrical cocktail bar. From the orange jumpsuits upon entrance, to the real metallic cells, Alcotraz becomes the perfect backdrop to enjoy delicious, bespoke cocktails within an epic yet intimate environment.
You won’t find a set menu of drinks here, after all, it is prison! Alcotraz creates a range of tailored cocktails every night based on the liquor you bring and your tastes. Luckily, Inmate Cassidy has the Guards are on your side who have creative ways of hiding contraband.
36 Seel St
Alcotraz Liverpool: Cell Block Three-Six
MYR 249.20