The old town of Antalya, also known as Kaleici, is a picturesque neighborhood situated at the heart of the city. This thriving district dates back to ancient Roman times and is surrounded by ramparts and towers that have withstood the test of time. The old town is packed with elegant Ottoman architecture, lively bazaars, and winding alleyways that lead visitors back in time. The area has preserved its historical character and remains one of the most visited places in Antalya.
During the tour, the boat captain explains the history behind landmarks and points of interest, providing passengers with insight into the ancient city's rich past. The boat tour allows you to see the structures in various parts of the old city from the sea and discover the Ottoman architecture. This aspect of the tour allows visitors to take a closer look at ancient ruins, historical artifacts and beautiful views of the old city from a marine perspective.
Old City Marina
Lower Duden Waterfalls
MYR 69.38